Breaking In to The Game Industry

This past Saturday I attended the San Francisco Game Job Conference and Resume Workshop. It was held in a somewhat remote location out on Skyline Boulevard in Oakland, but nevertheless it still attracted perhaps 100 interested attendees.
The day was divided into two portions: the morning, which consisted of panels of industry experts; and the afternoon, which was a resume workshop sponsored by I didn’t stick around for the afternoon session.
The morning session, however, went quite well. Discussion from the panel members was followed by Q&A from the audience, and there was consistently more questions than allotted time. During lunch many of us stuck around and had conversation with the attendees – frankly, it was the liveliest group of people and discussions after a panel that I’ve ever seen!
I hope that the day was useful for the attendees… I trust that it was, but I’d love to hear feedback from those who actually attended. Hopefully we’ll get some feedback forms.
This was another mini-conference put on by The Game Initiative, who has rapidly become the scrappy little upstart nipping at the heels of media giant CMP in the game space. It’s nice to have both the large and absolutely crazy Game Developers Conference to attend, as well as the smaller conference like the Austin Game Conference (and also DICE), at which you can actually sit down and have a chat with people instead of running from meeting to meeting. 🙂



