Google’s O3D for interactive browser 3D

I’ve been keeping a close eye on O3D, a project at Google that seems well-targeted for game development (and quite a few other things). Unfortunately, I blew registering for the Google I/O conference in time, so missed the handful of 3D- and game-related talks they had there. However, I found a few interesting O3D-related videos in the GoogleDevelopers channel on YouTube. 🙂

Gregg Tavares talking about the talk he will give (gave) at the conference, “Adding Interactive 3D Content to your Site”:

Some game art done by Crazy Pixel for a Tower Defense-style game, running in O3D:

And last, a game demo from Large Animal Games, also running in O3D:






One response to “Google’s O3D for interactive browser 3D”

  1. Freelance Fred Avatar

    Hey…thanks for that. Great post. I’ll be coming back soon for more news. Great!