IGDA San Francisco August event summary

You should be really bummed if you live in San Francisco and missed our recent IGDA-San Francisco event, “Content Generation in Spore”. It was fantastic! Three senior members of the Spore team came over from the east bay and gave illuminating talks about the audio direction, art direction, animation tools, and design of the creature creation system. If you live in SF, you really should come to the IGDA-SF meetings, they have been great! (Of course, I’m a little biased, but hey, there ya go. 🙂 )
If you are saying to yourself “dang it, I really meant to go, maybe I’ll go next time”, you can console yourself a little by going to the forums and checking out our event report, taking a look at the photos on our flickr page, or maybe going to the blog and watching the video of the speakers. It’s not as good as being there in person, really it isn’t, but it’s as close as you can get now! And hopefully we’ll see you at our next meeting, in November. Sign up on the mailing list to get a reminder!



