Arnie propaganda

Check this out. I just got in the mail my copy of the “Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Ballot Proposition Voter Guide”. What the heck is this?
It’s a twelve-page color glossy 8.5″x11″ with all the propositions listed, Arnie’s votes, and why he’s voting that way. Included is a handy tear-off sheet listing how you should vote:
59 YES
63 NO
64 YES
66 NO
67 NO
68 NO
69 YES
70 NO
72 NO
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten propaganda like this from my governor before. And where’s my copy of the sample ballot? Or voter’s guide? I haven’t gotten either of those. Hmmmmm.
What’s really crappy is that this is funded to the tune of $2 million by the Republican party. I don’t care which party is funding this – it’s partisan crap and I shouldn’t be receiving stuff like this from my governor. Well, unless I’m a member of the RNC or something.
Here’s a link to California’s Easy Voter Guide.



